Tai Chi Melbourne – Dao Yin and Healing Qi Gong (Chi Kung): Golden Lion Academy Keeps You Healthy For Life
Established here in 1971, Golden Lion Tai Chi Melbourne offers a gentle mind-body therapeutic exercise programme that heals the body, prevents illness and keeps you healthy for life. It soothes the nerves and calms the mind as it induces good physical and emotional conditioning. It is meditation in motion.
With our long experience and extensive knowledge, safety and quality are assured and you’ll learn to a higher standard with the unique methods we have refined over 50 years. You too can benefit.
Our classes are held at Berwick, Rowville and Murrumbeena.
For Enquires About Our Classes: Click Here
Taught in fully equipped professional training centres at our Berwick, Rowville and Murrumbeena academies, our tai chi and Healing Qi Gong curriculum and syllabus, designed specifically for teenagers, adults and seniors (male and female), allow you to progress from beginner to advanced level in a supportive environment. You’ll train in small groups which allow a nurturing, personal approach to teaching and learning.
Come along and be an important part of our club. You will enjoy your time training with us and you will not get bored from class to class.
Creating perfect balance and harmony of mind and body, various types of tai chi classes are offered at Golden Lion; these consist of yang style bare hands tai chi forms, breathing and meditation techniques, various strength, flexibility, balance and coordination exercises, weaponry such as the sword and fan, push hands, self defence applications and pressure points for both healing and self defence. You may even want to compete in regular tai chi tournaments which are held internationally and locally, or become a certified tai chi teacher or instructor and be graded.
All these skills can be learnt by males and females, from 13 year old teenagers to 80 year old adults. Our gentle low impact programmes avoid harmful impact on your joints and allows you to continue exercising as you age. This means you’ll continue to reap the mental and physical health benefits that our programmes give you as you strengthen your immune system and build internal strength. You’ll learn from our highly qualified professional masters and instructors who have extensive experience in their field, they are assisted by specially trained instructors.
Tai Chi is just as good for you as vigorous exercises
The Chinese have known for centuries that Tai Chi’s slow and graceful movements are very beneficial for both body and mind. But could doing something so gentle really be as effective as a class of more vigorous exercises?
Tai chi may look slow and graceful, but it is not as gentle as it seems.
In the recent BBC series – Trust Me, I’m a Doctor by Dr Michael Mosley, Series 8, Episode 6 investigated whether tai chi could offer the same benefits as more vigorous exercise.
To find out, the Trust Me I’m a Doctor team worked with exercise scientists from the University of Birmingham to pit Tai Chi against Zumba.
Below is the result, extracted directly from the BBC’s own website:
A small group of volunteers, aged between 65 and 75, none of whom did regular exercise, were assigned to either 12 weeks of regular sessions of Zumba Gold – a class specially tailored for people in later life – with the rest doing regular tai chi.
The answer may be deceptively simple.
Scientists also measured the volunteers’ blood for levels of antioxidants and other raised levels of chemical markers of stress and inflammation – which may sound bad, but they’re actually a healthy response to exercise and lie behind many of its benefits.
As might be expected, the Zumba Gold group were all fitter after the 12 weeks. Their blood vessels were more elastic and their blood pressure had dropped, while their blood results showed improvements too.
More surprisingly, the results from the tai chi group showed similar benefits, with improvements in blood biomarkers results, blood pressure and vessel flexibility.
Dr Jet Veldhuijzen van Zanten, a senior lecturer in biological psychology and part of the research team, said: “We have found that doing a session of tai chi leads to similar increases in heart rate as moderate intensity exercise.
“So even though it might not feel as difficult as when you are doing faster movements, your heart is working hard.
“This will have benefits to the health of your blood vessels and make them more elastic.”
The tai chi segment of the show can be watched by clicking on this link.
More Scientific Studies on the benefits of Tai Chi
Numerous scientific studies worldwide have also shown that tai chi is very beneficial, it:
- Promotes better physical and mental functioning, heals the body and prevents illness
- Reduces stress and anxiety, improves memory, concentration and calmness of mind
- Increases self-esteem, self-confidence and sense of well-being
- Increases balance, flexibility and range of motion, regardless of your age; prevents falls
- Improves sleep and breathing patterns
Let Golden Lion Tai Chi Melbourne keep you healthy for life
The soothing, tranquil flow of tai chi and Healing Qi Gong is a perfect re-introduction to good physical and emotional health.
We invite you to start your Healing Qi Gong and Tai Chi Melbourne classes at our training centres in Berwick, Rowville or Murrumbeena under our very experienced instructors. We will keep you healthy for life as you develop mind and body harmony. Join us today and improve your quality of life.
Call 9796-1066 today for a free trial class, or email us through our contact-us form.
Tai Chi Books, Ebooks and DVDs you can buy today
The following are tai chi and healing qi gong Books, Ebooks and DVDs you can buy today on our Golden Lion Academy’s secured website. Just click on the links below to make your order.
The Basic Elements of Tai Chi Instructional Manual (ebook)
This manual takes you back to the important Basics of Tai Chi and explores the correct Foundation of Tai Chi techniques. You will find it invaluable in helping you with your Tai Chi practice while improving your skill level and understanding of how to perform those techniques correctly. Perfecting the art of Tai Chi has to be built on a solid foundation. That foundation is what is contained in this instructional manual. Click here for more information.
Tai Chi For Beginners 24 Form Training Manual (ebook)
This Yang style form is the most suitable for beginners, it is very popular all over the world. It improves balance, co-ordination, relaxation, natural strength and wellness. Taught through a spiral-bound training manual, it gives a detailed step-by-step photo guide to the 24 form. It is the Yang-style Form that you can see practised regularly in parks and city squares, not only within China, but also throughout the world. Click here for more information.
Tai Chi Sword International Combined 42 Form Manual (ebook)
This is the International Straight Sword Competition Routine in 42 Forms. The form teaches a combination of the elements of the five major styles of Taijiquan: Chen Style, Yang Style, Wu Style, Wu Yuxiang Style and Sun Style — all in one routine. Presented in a spiral-bound manual, it contains detailed step by step photo guide to this sword form. Click here for more information.
Tai Chi Sword Yang 32 Form Training Manual (ebook)
Tai Chi Straight Sword 32 Form training manual teaches you the most popular set of Yang Style sword techniques in a spiral-bound workbook. It contains a very detailed step-by-step photo guide to the Yang 32 sword form. You can now learn this sword form too. Click here for more information.
Tai Chi Sun Style 73 Form Training Manual (ebook)
This is one of the five tai chi competition routine designed by the Chinese Wushu Association. The 73 Form Sun Style Routine training manual teaches you the original Sun style, which features small circular movements and high stances. Click here for more information.
Tai Chi 48 Form Combined Styles Training Manual (ebook)
This is a Combined Styles 48 Form Instructional Workbook that teaches you the routine used for international competitions. Created in China in 1976 by a panel of experts, the Combined Styles Tai Chi 48 Form was created to blend four of the major styles: Yang, Chen, Wu and Sun. Click here for more information.
Tai Chi 42 Bare Hands International Form Training Manual (ebook)
This is a tai chi combined styles bare hands routine in 42 forms. It teaches you the essential elements of the five major styles of Tai Chi Chuan: Chen Style, Yang Style, Wu Style, Wu Yuxiang Style and Sun Style — all in the one routine. Detailed step-by-step photo guide of the techniques are given. This form is also used in international competitions. Click here for more information.
Tai Chi Yang 40 Bare Hands International Form Training Manual (ebook)
This Bare Hands Yang Style 40 competition routine was developed in 1991 by the Chinese Wushu Association of China. They drew together leading professors and masters to develop a competition routine for each style of tai chi. Presented in a spiral-bound text book, it gives a very detailed step-by-step photo guide to teach you the Yang style routine. Click here for more information.