Kung Fu Tai Chi Tournaments

Kung Fu Wushu 2016 Victorian State Championships

Kung Fu Wushu 2016 Victorian State Championships was held on Sunday the 31st of July, the Golden Lion Academy had 11 kung fu members compete in these. Together we won 13 first places, 4 second places and 1 third place. A bow towards the judges, about a minute of intense movement as the routine was […]

Kung Fu Tournaments

Kung Fu Forms Bare Hands & Weaponry Class

Specialised Kung Fu Bare Hands & Weaponry Forms Class The practice of kung fu forms originated in China around 525 CE when an Indian monk named Bodidharma taught Shaolin monks a series of exercises to increase their physical fitness and overall health to improve their ability to remain awake during deep meditation.  These forms were revised […]