Kung Fu Tai Chi

Tai Chi Gradings Black Belt 3rd Degree Steve Williams

Tai Chi Gradings for a Black Belt 3rd Degree level was successfully achieved by Steve Williams. Instructor Liz Simpson conducted the interview with Steve and they uncovered some tips that will help you on your tai chi journey. On 15 October 2016, Si Hing Steve Williams was examined for his 3rd Degree Black Belt grading.  […]

Dim Mak Kung Fu Tai Chi

Health Benefits Baduanjin Exercises – how it works

I was drawn to the Health Benefits of Baduanjin Exercises as I have a lifelong interest in healing and energy medicine and have been a natural therapist for over 25 years.  The workshop was expertly run by Sifu Craig, who was able to impart the knowledge with clarity, humour and efficiency; very enjoyable. All exercises […]

Dim Mak Kung Fu Tai Chi

Kung Fu Breathing and Meditation in Martial Arts

The Importance of kung fu breathing meditation in martial arts channel our Qi (Chi) for maximal effect, with proper breathing our movements do not become stilted, ineffective, and we do not become tired. Breathing and meditation form a vital part in kung fu training. “Breathing control gives man strength, vitality, inspiration, and magic powers.” – […]