In self defence, some special dim mak pressure points and their techniques can help you defend yourself quickly, effectively and safely – irrespective of your age, size or sex. They can help you stay alive or prevent serious injury when attacked.

The reality today is that you and your family can be subjected to a violent situation anytime when you are at home, at work or in the street. So what can you do to adequately protect yourself against these thugs or muggers? What can you do to help yourself?

Are there special techniques you could use to defend yourself quickly, effectively and safely …irrespective of your sex, size or age?

The answer is : YES!

Self Defence Pressure Points

In pressure points self defence, below are some aspects of the art that are taught.

  • The first is to use one pressure point that will do the job sufficiently. This involves choosing the correct point for the job, taking into account your height, level of strength and proficiency in the art.
  • A combination of two or more pressure points can be chosen to amplify the defence, to physically disable your attacker so you cannot be harmed.
  • Which point to choose? How will that point help you? Is it going to be punched or kicked? Or is it going to be squeezed?

Important considerations for self defence

Self Defence Pressure Points Dim Mak double strikingDim mak focuses on accuracy, timing, and ‘efficiency’ when delivering a telling blow in self defence. As we age we naturally tend to lose speed, power and agility; however with correct training, accuracy and efficiency, you can improve with age and experience thus putting the odds back in your favour.

It is not just purely about the pressure points; it is also about how certain pressure points should be hit or seized in a quick and accurate way; and how to move to apply the points for maximum effectiveness. These secret techniques were only taught to a few privileged masters. You can be one of the few people in the world today who will know how to use pressure points correctly.

The movements of dim mak do not require great flexibility or agility so you can continue training to a very advanced age. You can also adapt your particular style of martial arts self defence with DM.

The biggest benefit of learning dim mak is that it will enable you to become a better fighter even as you get older. It was created to enable an older, slower or weaker practitioner to defeat a younger, stronger and faster aggressor. Imagine how much more effective you will be if you incorporate its principles into your self defence programme.

Please see the Blog for more articles on self defence pressure points.

Healing Art in Dim Mak Pressure Points

In dim mak‘s ancient China, the healing arts and the martial arts went hand in hand. Then martial arts was practised more for survival and less as a recreation, although its benefits in maintaining health was always given full recognition.

dim mak healingInjuries, both minor and serious, resulting from life or death confrontations or from practice sessions were common place. It is clear that anyone who did not understand how to treat injuries and prevent illness were not going to get very far as a martial artist.

The old masters were also adept in the arts of nutrition, devising diets that would enhance the health and performance of their students. Training was often rigorous, everyday, and up to 8 hours a day, and only those in the very best condition of health could keep up with the relentless pace of training.

It is easy to see why superior skills in the healing arts would often translate into victory in the combat arena and the success of a school. Hence these secrets were just as closely guarded as their combat techniques. Even today, where competitive sports is concerned, little has changed. For example, professional football clubs boast of their superior team of physiotherapists, dietitians and medical experts.

Increase internal power and boost your immune system

This is a practical course where you learn a special version of The Eight Brocades, an ancient Chi cultivation technique that help heal the body, prevent illness and boost your immune system while activating special pressure points. These exercises have been practised for over 1,000 years by Chinese martial arts practitioners.

Keep in mind that this Eight Brocade system as taught by Dim Mak World Golden Lion Academy is focused on self healing, loosening muscles and sinews and building internal strength in order to increase your longevity, build internal power and boot your immune system.

The exercises move Chi and blood throughout the 14 main meridians so you learn how to effectively move Chi through these meridians; and you learn the special techniques that activate these healing points. It is necesssary to learn how these vital points work, where they are on the body and how to activate their healing potential.

Once you’ve learnt this module, you’ll confidently be able to continue practising the techniques at home, everyday if you wish. And you’ll also be able to teach it to your family and friends to help them improve their health.

Another self healing technique you can do at home is our Dao Yin Chi Kung programme.

Resuscitation techniques and pressure point healing for injuries

This course teaches powerful healing techniques for injuries or illness occurred as a result of combat, sporting activities or during everyday living. You learn secret martial arts resuscitation techniques that you can use to help injured students or colleagues; you learn specific pressure points and techniques that heal injuries and illness.

Keep in mind that many ancient books on dim mak pressure points, including Shaolin Monastery’s manuals, offered a vast array of herbal remedies for dim mak strikes. They also included specific herbs and acupuncture treatment to be used when hit on specific pressure points.

If you do not recover quickly from injuries, if you are worried about being injured on a pressure point, or if you are unsure about what to do if one of your students or friends become injured or feels unwell in class, then you should think about learning dim mak healing. It is ideal for instructors, senior students and beginners.