If you are thinking about learning martial arts pressure points, here are five reasons why you should study authentic dim mak.

1.why learn dim mak pressure points with dai sifu tiger claws dim mak Your Size and Physical Strength in Self Defence – Like many of us, you may have a smaller physique, you may be shorter than other people or you may be weaker than the person who is going to hurt you. Dim mak pressure points will give you the added advantage you need to overcome bigger opponents. With our authentic dim mak techniques, you can be 10 times stronger and faster.

2. You are a Student of the martial arts –You may be a student of the martial arts and you feel you need to expand your skills and learn some old secrets that are not taught in your style. Perhaps you feel you need new information or advanced knowledge to prepare you for your next grading. Secrets of authentic dim mak pressure points will help you achieve that. You’ll also gain a new perspective on health, self defence and healing. Our dim mak system can be easily incorporated into your style of martial arts. You’ll have more skills and knowledge than the others in your school so you’ll advance quicker. You’ll enjoy a new perspective that will open up a whole new dimension for you.

3. You are an instructor – You are a teacher of the martial arts or self defence and you need to offer your students (especially the more mature age student and those who are physically smaller) new ways so that they can be more effective when defending themselves. This added knowledge is guaranteed to increase the number of students you have while retaining students for longer periods of time. This means you’ll have a more rewarding career – financially and emotionally.

4. Want to Improve your Health and Keep Motivated – No matter what age or size you are, whether you are a student or teacher, you must know drug-free natural methods of improving your health, fitness and wellbeing so that you can live a long, happy and healthy life. You must also know how to build up your internal Chi power so that you can have the necessary strength to defend yourself.

5. Your Age – You have enjoyed all the benefits of martial arts when you trained in your youth and now as you grow older and wiser, you realise that you need powerful, deadly, intelligent, effective methods that will give you back the edge you had when you were younger. With authentic dim mak pressure points, you don’t need to rely on your memory. You’ll learn an incredibly simple yet profound system.

How to learn dim mak pressure points

There are three ways you can learn authentic dim mak:

  1. The best way to start your study is to choose the book or DVD that appeals to you right now. Alternatively, you can choose the items that fit in well with your current level of achievement in the martial arts.
  2. If you live in Melbourne Australia, you can attend classes at our Golden Lion Academy.
  3. If you reside overseas or interstate, you can attend intensive courses and seminars given from time to time.