Kung Fu

Tai Chi 80 Year Old Student John Budd – Ode to John of Golden Lion

Tai Chi 80 Year Old Student John Budd celebrated his birthday recently, SiJie Liz Simpson wrote a Poem as an “Ode to John” Ode to John Today’s a special day For our tai chi mate, John, Who in May 1936 Was delivered as a Pomme.   Up north from Old Blighty He chose to move […]

Dim Mak Kung Fu Tai Chi

Health Benefits Baduanjin Exercises – how it works

I was drawn to the Health Benefits of Baduanjin Exercises as I have a lifelong interest in healing and energy medicine and have been a natural therapist for over 25 years.  The workshop was expertly run by Sifu Craig, who was able to impart the knowledge with clarity, humour and efficiency; very enjoyable. All exercises […]

Dim Mak Kung Fu Tai Chi

Baduanjin Kung Fu Internal Qi Gong

Baduanjin Kung Fu Internal Qi Gong (chi kung) by Sifu Craig Rayner, taught the techniques that promote good health and well-being as well as help keep disease away. Taught in a workshop on Saturday 28 May at Golden Lion RowvilleAcademy, he was assisted by Sijie Joey. The seminar was open to Golden lion members as […]

Dim Mak Kung Fu Tai Chi

China 2016 Trip Feedback – A Most Wonderful Trip

China 2016 Trip Feedback is a feedback letter from Bonnie Lindsay, who along with her fellow Golden Lion “follower” Jenny, is from Tai Chi Hervey Bay, Queensland. Greetings to everyone at the Golden Lion Academy. What a great time we had touring China this year. Many thanks to Si-gung Charles and Master Tang, who once […]

Dim Mak Kung Fu Tai Chi

Golden Lion China Trip 2016

The Golden Lion China Trip 2016 consisted of top class training under Wu Bin and wonderful sightseeing in Beijing plus touring the south of China around the Guilin area. Once again we welcomed the Golden Lion China Trip 2016,  an amazing trip where all of us on the trip agreed that sightseeing based in Beijing […]

Tai Chi

Tai Chi Music: Should we practice tai chi with music?

Tai Chi Music: Should we practice tai chi with music? Golden Lion’s Tai Chi Sifu Christine Everett answers this question below. To most students of tai chi they would consider this question a no-brainer and can’t imagine doing their tai chi routines without putting on some soft music in the background; but do we really […]

Kung Fu Tai Chi

Kung fu training philosophy – The Virtue of Commitment

Kung fu training philosophy and the Virtue of Commitment through patience, perseverance and refinement is taught and practised at Melbourne’s Golden Lion – Berwick, Rowville and Murrumbeena academies. Below is  Jordan Comerford’s experience as a Golden Lion Kung Fu student. I will never forget my first memory of training in Kung Fu. Picture this: a […]

Tai Chi

Yin–Yang and its relevance to Taijiquan

Richard Howell has written an in-depth article about Yin-Yang in Taijiquan.  Providing investigation into its meaning, its relevance to the practice of Taijiquan and a way of discovering how it is works within applications by the use of basic push hands techniques. A copy of the full article can be downloaded here: Yin-Yang-and-its-relevance-to-Taijiquan

Kung Fu

Bruce Lee the Millenium Man

Bruce Lee, kung fu martial arts movie star millenium man, his technical skills extraordinary but his character and determination provide lasting influences for future generations of martial artists. Kung Fu’s Bruce Lee was the pioneer in making the Chinese martial arts a cinemagraphic art. In doing so, Bruce Lee richly deserves a place in the […]

Dim Mak Kung Fu Tai Chi

Chinese New Year 2016 – The Fire Monkey

Celebrations for the Chinese New Year of the Fire Monkey are already in progress in Melbourne with the excitement building up to Chinese New Year’s Eve on the 7th February at Federation Square. Throughout February, various locations such as Chinatown, Crown Melbourne, Southbank, Yarra River, Docklands, Queen Victoria Market and the Windsor Hotel will offer […]