The Australian National Kung Fu Wu Shu Tai Chi Championships 2014 saw Golden Lion Academy win 24 gold medals, 9 silver and one bronze medal.
Last Sunday, May 4th, Melbourne was the host city for the Australian National Championships, held at Monash University’s Clayton Campus.
Competitors drawn from 5 states of Australia gathered together to represent their State and Club. Amongst them were 20 students from the Golden Lion Academy, 13 from kung fu and 7 from tai chi. We are excited to announce that our tai chi students won 8 Gold and 4 Silver medals while our kung fu students won 16 Gold, 5 Silver and 1 Bronze medals. That tells us that, you and I, right now, belong to the best school in Australia.
By 9am the Sports Centre was abuzz with an almost palpable energy as Australian competitors from all disciplines warmed-up with stretching and routines, in preparation of the day-long competition.
Yang energy exuded from the Kung Fu-Wushu students, their power, strength, speed and agility drawing the rapt attention of the audience. Periodically there would be a group intake of breath at the amazing height of jumps, often followed by a communal ‘agghhh’ when the same competitors plummeted to the floor into eye-watering splits! Jason Keane, Golden Lion Kung Fu student, certainly had the wow-factor as he brought a huge and appreciative round of applause from the audience, together with scores in the 9’s from the judges, for the speed, accuracy and intent of his gold medal- winning Pudao and Barehands routines. We (from the Yin, Tai Chi side) all agreed we wouldn’t want to meet Jason or any of the awe-inspiring Golden Lion Kung Fu students in a dark alley….unless they were on our side!
As everyone knows, Tai Chi practitioners always exude peace, harmony and inner tranquility….well…almost always! Butterflies in the dan tian are just chi in action…right?! Performing calmly and fluidly, under the close scrutiny of 5 judges, showing perfect balance, waist-high (or in many cases, shoulder-high) kicks followed by floor-sweeping low sweeps whilst displaying focus and intent takes an inordinate amount of control and self-discipline. Without exception, each and every one of the 7 Golden Lion Tai Chi competitors performed with utmost grace, amazing strength and extraordinary flexibility. If there was a little bit of an internal struggle with the inevitable nerves, then they certainly didn’t allow it to show. Their high marks reflected the judges’ opinion that the Golden Lion students excelled on the day.
Medals are not easily won in either Kung Fu or Tai Chi. All the competitors from the Golden Lion Academy have been training regularly for a minimum of several years, some for a decade or more. But during the past 3 months as the competition came closer, they have all increased their training regime, with daily practice and often with cross-training included.
For much of the time this has been under the watchful eye of their Australian Masters and instructors, intent on helping the students to be the best they can be, but for the most part, these students have also been self-driven. High kicks, low sweeps, flexibility, balance, control, agility, speed, strength, focus are just a part of what is required to be a successful martial arts competitor. More importantly is having a vision, the courage to recover from adversity, determination to reach personal goals and the faith in one’s instructors and oneself.
These students have dedicated themselves to their self-improvement and the rewards are evident, not just in the winning of medals or the admiration of their family, friends and peers, but in their personal growth, both physical and emotional. And that’s where the Masters and instructors of your beloved Golden Lion comes in to help, much more than you realize, much more than any other club. We are so lucky here at Golden Lion to have such high caliber experienced Masters to help you improve.
Sincerest congratulations to each and every one of the courageous Golden Lion students, whose results are below, for an outstanding performance at the 2014 Australian National Kung Fu Wushu Tai Chi Championships.
Special congratulations also go to Lincoln Rigby, Michelle Ruskin, Jessica Rice and Melanie Smith who have been selected to represent Australia at the 1st World Tai Chi Championships in Chengdu, China in November 2014.
Finally, apart from competing in martial arts tournaments, there are also other benefits to regular exercise at Golden Lion. Help your friend or relative start up a healthy lifestyle. Give them a membership as a gift to get them started now. Mother’s Day, Father’s Day, Birthdays, or as a Special Thank You, they are all a good time to help your friend get started.
Australian National Championships Kung Fu Wu Shu Results:
16 Gold, 5 Silver, 1 Bronze
- Lachlan Lampard – Barehands – Gold; Long Weapons – Gold
- Christian O’Sullivan – Barehands – Gold: Long Weapons- Gold
- Sean Chen – Barehands – Silver
- Andrew May – Barehands – Gold; Long Weapons- Gold
- Jason Keane – Barehands – Gold; Long Weapons – Gold
- Jake Lacey – Barehands – Silver; Long Weapons- Bronze
- Rosemary Hermans – Barehands – Gold; Nan Dao – Gold
- Cloee Le Grand -Barehands – Silver; Long Weapons – Gold;
- Keith Hills – Barehands – Gold; Long Weapons – Gold
- Jordan Comerford – Short Weapons – Gold
- Adam Swanwick – Short Weapons – Silver
- Natasha Chen – Long Weapons – Gold
- Nam Nguyen – Nan Quan – Gold; GunShu – Gold
Australian National Championships Tai Chi Results: 8 Gold, 4 Silver

- Ruth de Jaeger – 24 Barehands – Gold
- Jessica Rice – Yang 40 -Gold; 32 Sword – Gold
- Michelle Ruskin – 42 Barehands – Gold; 42 Sword -Gold
- Melanie Smith – 42 Barehands – Silver; 42 Sword – Silver
- Lincoln Rigby – 42 Barehands – Gold; 42 Sword – Gold
- Bradley Jarvis – 42 Barehands – Silver; 42 Sword – Silver
- Colin Chudleigh – 24 Barehands – Gold
Thanks to Si Jie Liz Simpson, Tai Chi Instructor Rowville Academy